Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Link Love: 6.25.10

This is a funny blog post in response to Kim Kardashian's Tweet that the mother next to her in a restaurant breastfeeding was "gross and needed to cover up." I officially DISLIKE Kim Kardashian now.

Here is an article from the Columbia Tribune about moms breastfeeding in public. I think that more moms need to breast feed in public, WITHOUT covering up, to show how normal and natural it is.

is a nice prayer/positive thinking for the oil spill in the Gulf. I am a big believer in prayer/positive thinking and visualizations to help manifest what you want in life.

Also, I am switching my Link Love to Friday's, because I am only going to post during the week now. There is just so much going on in my life right now as we prepare to move to Santiago, Chile!


  1. I never cover up when I nurse. None of my kids wanted to eat in the dark, and I don't blame them. I do wear a Bella Band for my own "belly flab" issues, but you won't catch me with a nursing cover.

  2. @eidolons...that is a great idea to wear a Bella Band for coverage. I use a nursing tank under tank top or shirt, but its getting a bit too hot for that now.

    Penelope has a hard time nursing in public as it is, she gets so distracted. If I tried to put a blanket over her head, she would bust out giggling for sure.

  3. My kids (all boys) have never had issues nursing in public. When they want to nurse, that's all there is in the world to them. It could be a boy vs girl thing. A friend of mine has a little girl who is easy distracted when nursing in public.

    Have you heard about the nursing in public blog carnival?

    The Bella Band gets a little hot, too, actually. It's made out of spandex, I think. If I ever manage to find the time again I want to try and make a cotton one.

  4. Stephanie, I think we met a long time ago when you had Mama Baby Love open and you were promoting it, but at the time, I was baby-less and never got to try your services. I have since found your blog through Ecological Babies and have thoroughly enjoyed it! Kardasian's saying anything about too much breast showing is absolutely ridiculous! And I love that person's comparison post. I couldn't have said it any better myself. As a mom of a 5.5 month old I've got to say how thankful that I am for having a great example just when I needed it... my baby sister was born when I was 10- what a better time in a young girls life to learn that breastfeeding is normal. Thanks MOM! It's a bit strange though-The only time that I've really felt slightly uncomfortable nursing in public is when there are older young kids around. The 6-12ish range... I don't want to put parents in an awkward situation, but then I think... yep, they should really know how a baby should be fed. I often wonder though what those parent's say if asked... I can only hope that it is positive.

    P.S. How did you get a comment subscription button for your blog? I'd love to put one up on my blog!
